
 The Story of a Scammer
  Once upon a time in Jamaa, a little bunny roamed, saying she was going to do a trading party. An owl joined thinking she would get some rares or be able to get a long spike.
 The bunny had a black long spike on her trade which the owl desperately wanted. An arctic wolf was there trying to trade for the spike the bunny wanted the owl's offer more. The owl offered her whole trade list which was a mix of spikes, worns, betas, and rares (and a fake silver glove from epic wonders.) She begged the bunny to accept her offer which the bunny did. But she told the owl to pay first.
 The Owl was suspicious but traded the not as good things on her trade (the silver glove and three other expensive RIMs) for a parasol.
 The Bunny accepted and then said, "Now for the spike." The Owl started to trade when she was locked out of the den. She had been scammed.
 She reported the bunny and then went to the forgotten desert to earn more rares. The prizes weren't very good just some jam mart stuff and one epic wonder. She told an eagle in the adventure about the scam and the eagle said she had some extra rares she could give her.
 After the adventure, the eagle went to the owl's den and eagle gave her three great rares.
                                                      The End!

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